Alma Andersson

What is thy name?

You know that feeling when you’re frustrated over something that has absolutely no real importance, but you just can’t let it go. That’s me right now. I’m seriously bothered by the fact that every single publication seems to use a different term to denote the locations in spatial transcriptomics data.

It’s not that people aren’t using my favorite term (FYI, I don’t have one) that annoys me, but the fact that there’s no consensus on which term to use. There are beads, cells, features, voxels, pixels, spots, capture locations, and many other innovative alternatives. The current practice is confusing, and settling on one term should not be that hard.

“If names are not correct, language will not be in accordance with the truth of things.” – Confucius

My idea with this post was to present some of the different terms I’ve encountered so far (disclaimer: this is not an exhaustive list**, together with a bit of personal commentary - mainly to provide some context. To then couple this with a poll of some sort, and see what the thoughts of the community are. Perhaps this could spark some sort of discussion or reflection on the topic.

NOTE : this list was updated (2022-05-09) after posting this twitter post, where some other suggestions were presented. Thanks to all the people who contributed to a really nice discussion!

We can summarize this is a very basic table:

Term Agnostic Descriptive Unambiguous Convenient Multimodal
bead no no yes yes yes
spot no no no yes yes
feature yes no no yes yes
pixel yes no yes yes yes
voxel yes no yes yes yes
spatial location yes yes yes no yes
gexel yes yes (+) yes yes no

Columns: Agnostic - method agnostic, Descriptive - conveys information about what it represents, Unambiguous - will not be confused with other elements of the data, Convenient - easy to use and say, Multimodal - can be used in mulitmodal assays.

P.S. I’m acutely aware of the fact that “being bothered by the inconsistency in naming of spatial locations” would be the perfect answer to “tell me you have no real problems without saying you have no real problems.” Other more important things are happening around the world, I acknowledge that 100%, but I don’t want those things to engulf my whole existence. Silly discussions must also be allowed, just as happiness must be allowed space in times of grief and sorrow.
